About the company
Iskitymsky Open-Pit Mine – a company engaged in coal mining in Novosibirsk Region's Iskitymsky District.
The company's approach to production is based on four principles: safety, environmental protection, investment, automation.
The company has an occupational and industrial safety management system that helps ensure that its production processes are as safe as possible. It helps prevent workplace incidents, accidents, and emergencies that threaten the employees' lives. Iskitymsky Open-Pit Mine's main priority is to prevent accidents before they occur, rather than to respond to their consequences once they've already happened. To achieve this, the company has introduced integrated computer systems that continuously monitor production processes.
The company maintains an environmental protection program to ensure that its production processes have a minimal impact on the environment surrounding the mine. Its fleet of 'green' electric excavators is constantly growing, and the company is actively investing in methane-powered trucks and hybrid mining dump trucks equipped with low-power diesel engines, rechargeable batteries, and energy recovery systems. Utilizing these kinds of vehicles significantly reduces the quantity of harmful emissions released into the atmosphere, while cutting operating costs at the same time. Modern quarry water treatment facilities, as well as drainage facilities for wastewater discharge from the landfill, have also been built at the site.
Iskitymsky Open-Pit Mine invests in developing its coal mining infrastructure every year, while creating comfortable working conditions for its employees. Much attention is paid to automating production, which has been aided by the widespread introduction of artificial intelligence, as well as unmanned remote-control vehicles. All processes at the mine are carried out by our own personnel and equipment, which means we can always be sure the work will meet our standards.